27th Aug, 2024 10:00

TWO DAY: Glorious Trains: Part 2 (Smaller Gauges and Modern O Gauge) Auction

  Lot 64


American Outline H0n3 Freight Wagons and Unmade Kit Freight Wagons (5)

Sold for £45
Estimated at £50 - £80

American Outline H0n3 Freight Wagons and Unmade Kit Freight Wagons (5), cased Micro-Trains Line 30ft Log cars, 865 00 030/865 00 010, (2), unboxed and unbranded probably kit built Southern Pacific brown livery baggage car and factory sealed kits, Durango Press DP-114 D&RGW pipe gondolas (2), VG-E, packaging G-E, (5)