19th Mar, 2024 10:00

Popular Trains Auction

  Lot 41


Tri-ang 00 Gauge Locomotives and Passenger and Goods Rolling Stock and boxed Merit Lineside Accessories and other items

Sold for £50
Estimated at £50 - £70

Tri-ang 00 Gauge Locomotives and Passenger and Goods Rolling Stock and boxed Merit Lineside Accessories and other items, R354S GWR 'Lord of the Isles ' Locomotive and tender (separate boxes), T/H R868 Southern green Class M7 0-4-4T 328 (chassis loose from body), Suburban and Main Line coaches poorly repainted white and brown (4), R33 repainted LMS black 3f Tender, R188 olive green River Bridge (small damage to one area of fencing), R84 Lineside Huts (one lacks a roof), Hornby LBSC Brake Van, all in original boxes and two empty boxes, unboxed Tri-ang Well wagon, Freightliner wagon chassis, Modern Signal Box, repainted Brick Bridge, Utility Van and Horse Box, Merit boxed Items, Sacks, Mail Bags, Loco Crew, Weighing Machines, Lamps, Loading Gauge, Milk Churns, Porters, Trunks, Carbouys, in original boxes (contents not checked), 14 metal figures (in a slaters box) and unboxed Trix Signal Box (lacks roof), various damaged Signals from a layout, P-G, boxes P-F (qty)