Corgi and Lledo Vanguards Southern Counties Police Cars (16), all boxed/cased with card sleeves, mainly vintage cars, Ford Escorts, VA09502 Suffolk, VA0903 Wiltshire, Rover 3500, VA06503 Hampshire, VA09006 Sussex, Vauxhall Vivas, VA08702 Bedfordshire & Luton, VA08708 Hertfordshire, VA10001 Ford Sierra Devon & Cornwall, VA04104 Ford Cortina Thames Valley, VA05806 Morris Minor 75th Anniversary of the Met, VA06302 Morris Marina Essex, VA08207 Triumph Dorset & Bournemouth, VA06805 Hillman Minx Somerset, VA04603 Ford Zephyr Plymouth, VA05207 Ford Granada Essex, VA04403 Austin A60 Cambridge, VA08601 Jaguar XJ6, G-E, packaging G-E, (16)