19th Mar, 2024 10:00

Popular Trains Auction

Lot 7


Farish Rivarossi N gauge Locomotives and tenders with wagons most requiring remedial work with assorted track and parts (qty)

Sold for £70
Estimated at £60 - £80

Farish Rivarossi N gauge Locomotives and tenders with wagons most requiring remedial work with assorted track and parts (qty), comprising Farish 8014 in original box Class 37 Diesel Loco D6736 bogies detached, in wrong box two-car Multiple Unit BR green, unboxed 9F class 2-10-0 black 92018 damaged valve gear, Class 50 Diesel Locomotive 50024 blue disassembled, UK outline wagons in boxes needing wheels (4), USA outline RSO Diesel switched CP Rail red body loose, USA outline freight wagons most needing wheels/bogies (12), Gem Fowler Tank Locomotive kit unbuilt, Langley footbridge, Arnold signal cabin kit unbuilt, Peco wagon loads unopened (15), Peco Flexitrack long lengths (14), Peco turnouts in boxes (3), P-G, boxes F-G, (qty)