21st Sep, 2023 10:00

Popular Large Gauge Trains Auction

Lot 25


A Hornby 0 Gauge clockwork Locomotive 'Project Box' (qty)

Sold for £80
Estimated at £80 - £120

A Hornby 0 Gauge clockwork Locomotive 'Project Box' (qty), mostly spare loco bodies in various states, but including substantially complete but over-painted No. 2 Special Tank originally SR 2091, F, mech tested well, wheels sound, with bodies of two No. 3 'Caerphilly Castle' loco bodies, No. 2 Spl tank, No. 1 Spl tank, both GWR, LMS No. 1 special and special tank loco bodies in crimson, early No.1 and No.2 tank loco bodies (latter over-painted), four assorted clockwork mechanisms and other parts, mostly P-F (qty)