25th Apr, 2023 10:00

TWO DAY: Glorious Trains Auction (Part One)

Lot 155


Hornby 00 Gauge Tank Locomotives and Goods Rolling Stock

Sold for £80
Estimated at £70 - £90

Hornby 00 Gauge Tank Locomotives and Goods Rolling Stock, R396 GNR green Class J13 0-6-0 Saddle Tank 1247, R752 Stewarts & Lloyd Corby maroon 0-4-0 Saddle Tank 205, R770 LMS black 0-4-0 Saddle Tank 16032, R057 Caledonian blue 0-4-0 Saddle Tank 270, Good wagons, LMS Brake Van (2), Evans and Bevan Open wagons (2), Redline, Trimite, Regent and Castrol Tank wagons and Crook and Greenway PO wagon, all in original boxes, VG-E, boxes G-VG (13)