19th Mar, 2024 10:00

Popular Trains Auction

Lot 152


Trix Twin 00 Gauge 3-Rail Fibre and Plastic open sleeper and solid Bakelite Track and Points

Sold for £25
Estimated at £80 - £100

Trix Twin 00 Gauge 3-Rail Fibre and Plastic open sleeper and solid Bakelite Track and Points, Plastic open sleeper, Large Rad curve (1), Standard Curves (21), 2/3 Curves (4), Straights (32), smaller straights (3), Buffer Straight, Diamond Crossing, L/H Elec Points (3), Terminal Curves (3), Fibre Track, Large Rad (11), Standard Curves (66, 24 in two boxes), smaller curve (1), Straights (46), smaller straights (9), Uncoupling rail, various terminal rails (6), R/H Hand Points (2), L/H (2), Elec R/H (3), L/H (3), Bakelite, Points (12, 10 in four boxes, two Elec), Permanent Way Formation No 915 Oval (2 boxed sets), half curves (4), Terminal Rails (5), Switches (19, some in small set storage box)F-E, boxes F-G (large qty)

To book a collection or to provide authorisation for your chosen courier/representative to collect your Lots, please email mail@specialauctionservices.com, quoting your invoice number.

We can offer in-house packing & shipping for most Lots, if the Lots are too bulky or heavy, we can recommend couriers to you.
Please note we are unable to offer shipping for any bladed items or lighters.

Pack Only
We can also offer a pack only service, and you can arrange your own courier to collect from us.

We can recommend couriers on request