19th Oct, 2023 10:00

Smaller Gauge Trains for the Collector Auction

Lot 14


N Gauge Steam Tank Locomotives and Goods Wagons (17)

Sold for £70
Estimated at £40 - £60

N Gauge Steam Tank Locomotives and Goods Wagons (17), two boxed locomotives, Hornby Minitrix N205 BR 41234 in black livery, Graham Farish 1016 BR J94 (worn condition) both in black livery, boxed Graham Farish goods wagons, plank wagon (3), brake van (1), john West Van (1) all later weathered, Peco kit built examples, (10) six with boxes, F-VG, boxes F-G, (17)

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We can offer in-house packing & shipping for most Lots, if the Lots are too bulky or heavy, we can recommend couriers to you.
Please note we are unable to offer shipping for any bladed items or lighters.

Pack Only
We can also offer a pack only service, and you can arrange your own courier to collect from us.

We can recommend couriers on request