TWO DAY: Popular Trains Auction (All Gauges)
TWO DAY: Popular Trains Auction (All Gauges)

TWO DAY: Popular Trains Auction (All Gauges)

25th & 26th March 2025 at 10:00 am

Viewing from Monday 17th to Monday 24th March 2025, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (excluding weekends), Please call 01635 580595 to book your appointment.

Catalogue: Download PDF catalogue

Order of Auction

Day One
Lots 001 to 015 - N and TT Gauge
Lots 016 to 056 - Tri-ang, Tri-ang Hornby and early Hornby 00 Gauge
Lots 057 to 146 - Hornby 00 Gauge (Margate and China)
Lots 147 to 153 - Bachmann 00 Gauge
Lots 154 to 183 - Trix 00 Gauge
Lots 184 to 222 - Hornby-Dublo 00 Gauge
Lots 223 to 226 - Wrenn 00 Gauge
Lots 227 to 237 - Kits and Kitbuilt/Scratchbuilt 00 Gauge
Lots 238 to 396 - Other 00 Gauge
Lots 397 to 437 - Continental and Australian H0 Gauge
Lots 438 to 450 - American H0 Gauge

Day Two
Lots 451 to 476 - Railway Collectables including Books and Pictures
Lots 477 to 629 - Hornby 0 Gauge
Lots 630 to 650 - Bassett-Lowke and Exley
Lots 651 to 665 - Fine Scale 0 Gauge
Lots 666 to 806 - Other 0 Gauge including Modern plastic and metal and Vintage
Lots 807 to 809 - Vintage Gauge 1
Lots 810 to 812 - G Gauge and Garden Railway
Lots 813 to 855 - Wide Gauges and Live Steam Models

End of Auction


  • Preferred method, Bank Transfer or UK Registered Debit Card.
  • International Buyers must pay by Bank Transfer only.
  • (No Credit Cards Accepted) 

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Popular Trains (855)