Order of Auction
Day One - Teddy Bears, Traditional Toys and Entertainment 6th December @ 10.00 am
Lots 001 to 122 - Limited Edition and Artist Teddy Bears
Lots 123 to 344 - Antique and Vintage Teddy Bears and soft toys
Lots 345 to 494 - Traditional Toys (Lots 397 to 444) -These forty-seven lots have come direct from 'The Forest Toy workshop'
Lots 495 to 550 - Playing Cards
Lots 551 to 648 - Traditional Entertainment
Day Two - Dolls’ Houses and Dolls 7th December @ 10.00 am
Lots 649 to 897 - Dolls’ houses and chattels
Lots 898 to 1123 - Dolls and doll’s accessories
End of Auction
Lot 962
An unusual 19th century German china shoulder head doll
Sold for £80
Estimated at £100 - £150
Lot 966
A C F Kling china shoulder head doll with ‘Dolly Madison’ hairstyle
Sold for £50
Estimated at £80 - £120
Lot 967
An Alt Beck & Gottschalck bisque shoulder head lady doll impressed 1002
Sold for £100
Estimated at £100 - £150
Lot 969
An Alt Beck & Gottschalck bisque shoulder head lady doll with elaborate hair
Sold for £100
Estimated at £100 - £150
Lot 972
A rare Gebruder Heubach group of a boy and girl playing horsey-horsey
Estimated at £100 - £150
Lot 983
An unusually large Schoenau & Hoffmeister 1906 child doll
Sold for £230
Estimated at £150 - £200
Lot 986
A German bisque shoulder-head lady doll with elaborate hair
Sold for £80
Estimated at £70 - £100
Lot 988
A 19th century German pink tinted shoulder head doll possibly by Kestner
Sold for £70
Estimated at £60 - £80
Lot 989
An unusual 19th century German china shoulder head doll
Sold for £130
Estimated at £150 - £200
Lot 1000
A Schoeanau & Hoffmeister 1906 child doll in factory clothes
Sold for £120
Estimated at £50 - £80
Lot 1003
A rare Simon & Halbig 1129 DEP East Asian character child
Sold for £170
Estimated at £200 - £300
Lot 1006
A small Steiner Series C pressed bisque bebe size No 3/0
Sold for £260
Estimated at £100 - £150
Lot 1013
A late 19th century bisques headed drumming Punchinello pull along toy
Estimated at £200 - £300
Lot 1017
A 19th century German bisque shoulder-head doll floral hair garland
Sold for £110
Estimated at £80 - £120
Lot 1018
An unusual 19th century German china shoulder head doll
Sold for £40
Estimated at £70 - £100
Lot 1030
A French musical automation of a girl in brass bed 1910-20s
Sold for £220
Estimated at £300 - £400
Lot 1048
Three watercolour studies of vessels by Norah Wellings one dated March 1915
Estimated at £20 - £30
Lot 1049
A rare original Norah Wellings sketch design for a seated elephant soft toy May 1925
Sold for £140
Estimated at £60 - £80
Lot 1050
A rare original Norah Wellings sketch design for a Old English lady 1920-30s
Sold for £50
Estimated at £40 - £60
Lot 1051
A rare Norah Wellings catalogue page photographic artwork 1933
Sold for £35
Estimated at £40 - £60